Recommended for 12 years+

Total Length: 69 min.


2.6. | 10 am | 3001 Kino

3.6. | 4.30 pm | Zeise Kinosr

Le Hêtre et le Chêne

France 2015 | Julien Soudet

Short Fiction | 24'17 Min

Alexis and Thomas, 13 years of age, are the best of friends. They meet every evening to try to climb a large beech tree. Their friendship will be severely tested on the day Alexis starts attending Thomas’ middle school.


Netherlands 2015 | Niki Padidar

Documentary | 19'21 Min

Ninnoc doesn't just want to adapt to the group, but she is also afraid of being excluded. In the documentary NINNOC you crawl in her head. And find her in an empty school. Can you deviate in a group? Or will you then end up alone?

A qui la Faute

France 2015 | Anne-Claire Jaulin

Short Fiction | 18'47 Min.

It's summertime and a troop of young girls are headed to scout camp. For Marie and Lise, it is a time for their first sparks of emotion, a time to learn more about desire and how one confronts a group and their morality.


Norway 2015 | Hanne Berkaak

Animation | 7'32 Min.

The coldest race on earth.


Netherlands 2015 | Masoud Moein Eslam

Experimental | 2'55 Min

The urban lights of Tehran provide the foundation for this experimental bonfire.




Mo & Friese Children's Shortfilm Festival Hamburg

Organiser: KurzFilmAgentur Hamburg e.V.

Friedensallee 7 • D-22765 Hamburg • Fon: +49-40-39 10 63 23

Fax: +49-40-39 10 63 20 • eMail

© 2015 KurzFilmAgentur Hamburg e.V.
Page last updated > 03.02.2017